Well, that was quick... We all get excited about summer. So many plans, trips and time spent doing things we could not do any other time in Michigan. And just like that, it's over. School is right around the corner and there are few precious moments to get in whatever you have planned. That said, we are looking to Fall - yes, Fall Registration begins soon. With the new season, we are trying some new things. Over the past year and a half, we have learned that we need more options for our clients. This especially applies to the Rec Swim Team. We have created a new format - hopefully one that will fit your needs... Fall Session Dates: 9/19/15 - 12/19/15 Fall Session - Rec Swim Team
Fall Session - Swim Lessons You can find an explanation of Swim Levels HERE.
Fall Session - Swim Lessons
Swim Lesson Session Cost Breakdown
You can register for lessons (when the time comes) HERE. We hope this new format will allow you to customize your swim lessons to better suit your needs. If you need questions answered, you can contact us at: [email protected]
The summer swim season is quickly approaching. We will be creating a summer swim schedule within the next few weeks so you can plan ahead. The summer swim season allows us to serve clients at their pool or a pool they have access to. We are also going to keep utilizing our current facility. Registration for the summer swim season will allow you to pick a time, dates and number of sessions that work within your schedule. The new registration will FINALIZE ALL DATES AND TIMES AT REGISTRATION. Stay tuned.... We know. You don't have to tell us. Our summer registration wasn't very good. We did our best to accommodate all clients. We tried to create a system that was cost effective, however, being cost effective is good when the outcome serves clients in the best way possible. Our registration system did not do that. Things have changed. A few weeks ago, we have been trying out a new registration software program. I know. This is not a concern of yours. You simply want to register without delay and get your swimmer in the pool asap. It bothered us, though. We preach that we are committed to, "...unprecedented customer service." We were not living up to that commitment. The new registration system allows us to focus on the services we provide to you. That said, you all have been incredibly patient and understanding as we started this business. For that, we thank you. A lot. When you get a chance, check out our new registration system. You will not be disappointed. We now can offer sessions based on our swim levels and allow you to keep track of your information at any time with the Customer Portal. Being reflective and honest about our practices is important to us. Hopefully, that translates to the best services you and your swimmer(s) deserve(s). By the way, our Rec Swim Team starts Wednesday, 9/24/14. There are 10 spots left! You can actually see that when you register-a much better system. False. Sweat it. One of my professors once said, "The devil is in the details." At the time, it didn't mean much to me but as I grew older, I finally realized the meaning of his message. When it came to work, family or any other facet of life, the true enjoyment or agony lies in the details. Life's most enjoyable or stressful moments can be traced back to the details. Now as a small business owner, this has taken on a whole different meaning. We DO SWEAT the details. We sweat the details so that our business practices what it preaches. The details mean everything to us. We notice the details in every business as I am sure you do as well. What do you notice when you walk into a restaurant or a hotel? Is it a smile from the host or hostess? Is it the cleanliness of the lobby? Is it the the way you are greeted in either situation? We all have had that feeling when walking into any type of establishment and thought to ourselves that this might not meet our expectations. Doubt creates hesitancy. Hesitancy creates a short list of returning or referring customers. The details satisfy our expectations. Those little things that go a long way. The details make you want to go back or recommend that certain establishment to a friend. At Suntastic Swim School, we first look at training each of our employees on concentrating and focusing on the details. As a customer, you will remember if we arrived at your house with a smile. You will remember if we were on time. You will remember if we are organized in our appearance and equipment. You will remember that we put a towel around your swimmer. Yes, we make sure that our instructors put a towel around your swimmer. This seemingly meaningless act, goes a long way with clients and the overall Suntastic experience. It's no secret, but how many companies are willing to do it? We pay attention to and focus on the details. Will we be perfect? No. However, we will make sure that we focus on the details and get better everyday at delivering for our customers. False. Sweat the details. This won't take long. I promise. We at Suntastic value relationships. Within those relationships we make sure we tend to customer service and excellent swim instruction. Being a small "grassroots" business, it's important to us to develop relationships with others that can help spread the word about Suntastic Swim School and what we stand for. We have attempted to advertise with many outlets with limited success. That's ok. We knew this going in. That said, we still may not see a tremendous amount of traffic from Oakland County Moms Blog, but Lisa has demonstrated what relationships mean and how important it is especially to small business owners. Lisa was helpful and illustrated professionalism and collaboration as we communicated-starting about four months ago... We have constantly touted through our social media outlets that we are about relationships. This is not a tagline or something we take lightly. In fact, it's quite the opposite. We feel that at the core of our values is developing relationships with clients-this allows us to educate, instruct and inform. It's about swimming but, really, it's more than that. As many of you are aware (or not) this week is Autism Awareness Week. Did you know that 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys are affected with Autism? Want to know more, learn the signs of Autism. If nothing else, read some of the experiences that parents and families go through. It will open your eyes. That said, summer is an exciting time for all children. Swim lessons and water safety are important aspects of any childhood this includes all children with special needs. Research indicates that swim lessons can have a positive effect on children with Autism not only in the physical sense but also social improvements have been noted. We encourage families to explore their options and choose what is best for the special needs swimmer. It is amazing to see the responses and reactions from these swimmers as they progress and gain confidence in the water. Below is a video from Autism Speaks that illustrates the importance of swim instruction and water safety for an Autistic swimmer: Welcome to the first blog post! What can you expect from this blog? We at Suntastic are committed to passing along information to you from other resources and partners in the swim instruction industry. We don't have all the answers. We will, however, bring you content that will help you make informed decisions about swim instruction and water safety. What else can you expect from this blog? Simply stated, interaction. We feel at Suntatsic that relationships and connections are at the heart of what we do. We pride ourselves on developing relationships with our clients which provides them a sense of security and the knowledge that there are companies out there that truly care about what they do and how they do it. Additionally, we will be featuring stories about you. Passing along content and ideas is one thing but there are many other stories to be told from our clients. Some posts may be just a picture and others may include a story. We want to thank those of you who have supported our efforts. We have been working on Suntastic Swim School for over two years and saw a need to bring a swim experience to people who were looking for that extra touch-that little extra personal touch that cannot be half-heartedly replicated. As the snow melts, and temperature begins to warm, we looking forward to getting out to your pool and providing you with outstanding swim instruction and event management. Check back often. Leave feedback or a comment. We value your thoughts and are looking to improve-daily! |
The Deep EndNews, events and tips from the Suntastic Swim School Staff. Archives
August 2015
CategoriesSuntastic Swim SchoolWe connect water, safety and fun at your pool! |